Find the perfect job with Snagajob's search filters

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Searching for jobs on Snagajob has the upgrade you need: search filters. Now there are more ways for you to fine-tune your job hunt to find just what you’re looking for. Now you can search based on: 

  • Schedule

  • Experience required

  • Distance from a specific location

  • Pay range

  • And more!

Visit the Snagajob search page and type in a search keyword (like a job title you want or a company you want to work for) and the zip code you want to search in. On the results page, you’ll see a filter icon near the word “filter.” Click that, and you’re in business!

Click the filters icon at the top on mobile or desktop.

Need to find a job fast?

It's even easier to scan the results of your search to get your foot in the door faster. We’ve added useful labels to search results to help.

Want to be one of the first applicants an employer sees before a new job posting is filled? Jobs labeled “Just posted” have been listed just within the last 24 hours. Strike that iron while it’s hot!

We’ve also got a label for “Fast response” reserved for jobs posted by employers who are actively reviewing jobs now. This is a great way to make your job searching time count.

Whether you are looking for a “no experience required” role right next door, or a full-time job that will pay you more for your years of experience, our new filters make it easy to find your perfect match.

Power up your job search